Religion and Faith
St Lawrence Primary School is a faith community centred on the teachings of Jesus and expressed in our motto ‘With God’s Friendship and Love we Grow.” We give witness through the integration of faith and life in a family orientated and faith-based learning environment.
Religious Education comprises two distinct but complementary dimensions - teaching religion as a curriculum area and developing the religious dimension of the school by nurturing the religious, spiritual and faith formation of our students. Religious Education is central to the curriculum and life of the school. It is taught in context with the same rigour as all other learning areas. The units of work are set by Catholic Education WA and mandated by the Bishops of Western Australia.
The model of Jesus Christ underpins our curriculum, teaching practices and behaviour management. Daily prayer across all year levels plays a vital role in nurturing the spiritual development of the staff and children.
As the first faith educators of their children, parents are integral to their development and are asked to be actively involved in their preparation for the receiving of each Sacrament. Children participate in the Sacrament of Reconciliation in Year Three, Eucharist in Year Four and Confirmation in Year Six.